Itachi Uchiha (うちはイタチ, Uchiha Itachi ) was the older brother of Sasuke Uchiha . It was infiltrated organizationANBU of Konoha as a double agent. After massacring theUchiha Clan , he joined Akatsuki where his partner was assigned Kisame Hoshigaki .
From his first appearance, Itachi had always been a mysterious person and acted like you're hiding your true self. While in the past showed that he was a compassionate brother and a great person, despite his actions he committed surprisingly really was the compassionate brother and great value even though it was a Akatsuki , so hidden was always to protect to Sasuke and home.
As a member of Akatsuki , he possessed incredible self-control of his emotions, always showing emotionless personality. The only thing is that he was surprised when opponents proved more powerful or be more qualified than I expected, and still did not lose his composure. He did not possess any arrogance, and fully justified his power, even complimenting his opponents forces to challenge even respect. After his death, he realizes that he should not have tried to do things alone and face Sasuke on his own and now encourages Naruto noble ways and remind that fight, he's not alone, never and never forget their treasured friends.
Besides being an incredibly powerful ninja, Itachi had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise, even Tobi acknowledged. He was very strong and alert to any situation that happened, because rarely surprised. He also showed great intuition, as almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realized the truth. This intelligence can also be seen through the immense anticipation of Itachi, as examples like the foreknowledge of defeat Sasuke before Deidara and his brother survived his own premeditated fatalistic view of death by Sasuke's hand, and more recently the introduction of its own Kotoamatsukami the crow inside Naruto were only some examples seen things that surprised him. Despite its status as criminal wanted, and ended his clan, Itachi does not enjoy violence or combat, preferring to avoid battle or, if this is not possible, finish as soon as you can.
Only Itachi's initial interest was to know the objectives of Akatsuki , and his only loyalties appeared to be to the organization and its members, who seemed to put the success of the organization and the secret of everything.Therefore, Itachi got along with his partner, Kisame , much better than most of the members of Akatsuki others did with their own partners. Kisame seems to have a deep loyalty to Itachi, immediately doing what you instructed and always looking out for their welfare. Itachi treated all of his fellow Akatsuki members to this same personality, more respectful, although his courtesy was rarely returned by the other members.
In the end, Itachi put all your faith and hope in the best friend of her brother, Naruto , pointing as the most determined to save and protect person Sasuke . After hearing the response of Naruto to keep his promise to save Sasuke and everyone in Konoha , Itachi gave some of his power. I was very grateful for the determination of Naruto to save Sasuke, and was smiling after hearing Naruto's response. Itachi even trusted him enough to bring Sasuke back to the light and refused to go see his brother after being resurrected by Kabuto , as he believes that Naruto, who has inherited the feelings of Shisui can save to Sasuke and the world.
As noted Kabuto , Itachi also lived in deception. However, when he was in a genjutsu duel during his fight with Sasuke, he cruelly claimed he had only Sasuke live so that he could take Sasuke's eyes and obtain his own Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan , after which then claimed the Uchiha clan not nothing had been only beings were bloodstained and evil, since many members killed their friends to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan , and would have another Uchiha's eyes to make it permanent force. Once the genjutsu was released, he called it his true self, implying his calm personality, no emotions was also a facade. This person is later revealed to be only an act to ensure that he would die by the hands of Sasuke , his love for his younger brother is the fundamental aspect of his personality, even often in childhood, even in his time of death, Itachi expressed his affection for Sasuke are a hit on his forehead.Despite all their treacherous actions, Itachi only did all to protect Sasuke and Konoha . Finally, while knowing full well the dark side of the village, which was still considered a ninja of Konoha . According to Hiruzen SarutobiItachi had the reasoning ability of a Hokage when he was only 7 years.
Despite his status as an infamous shinobi, his appearance was not intimidating, plus the intensity of his eyes. While living in Konoha , regularly had a sweet look, especially targeting younger brother. After joining Akatsuki , his gaze turned cold.
He, like all members of his clan, and had dark gray eyes, black hair that hung near his cheeks to frame his face and a long ponytail in the back of his hair, later obscured by his Akatsuki cloak after joining the organization. Being brothers, Itachi and Sasuke had a similar appearance, but with subtle differences. The Itachi's hair color appeared slightly darker and with a softer flow, his skin was also slightly darker, most of the features of Itachi were a big dark circles under the eyes. Like sasuke was considered very attractive among the women.
When he lived in Konoha, his casual clothes consisted of a black shirt with a symbol of the Uchiha Clan on the back and black pants with a weapons pouch strapped. In service, would use the traditional
uniform ANBU , but never saw a mask. As a member of Akatsuki wore the traditional Akatsuki cloak and usually kept the center buttoned. At other times, unbuttoned the top half of his cloak. After his cloak was destroyed by Kirin Sasuke during their fight in Part II, it was revealed wearing a similar to the rest of the Akatsuki underneath it consisting of a blue shirt clothes (when most other members of Akatsuki wore a sleeveless shirt) and blue pants with a mesh under shirt, and
a white band around the waist on the outside of the shirt much like a tunic. Like almost all members of Akatsuki, he wore the band in his hometown with a horizontal crack through it to symbolize his broken ties with their villages. In his right ring finger wearing his Akatsuki ring, which bears the kanji 朱 (shu, "vermilion," "scarlet"). He also wore a necklace with three metal circles or rings.
In the fourth war radically changed appearance. Layer appears with a red garnet beige jacket with hood and not carrying their traditional band Konoha even if his collar three circles of metal, not carrying the blue t-shirt that llevava inside sige even wearing the pants, sandals and half traditional Akatsuki. It has a noticeable change in the color of your eyes changing color to black your cornea due to edo tensei.
Tobi got to Sasuke , and attended to his wounds, and tried to be his friend when he awoke. When he took off the mask, Sasuke reflexively used theAmaterasu on him. After dousing the flames, Tobi explained that theAmaterasu had been inserted in Sasuke by Itachi, intended to protect Tobi and all I could say. Sasuke was perplexed, so Tobi was to detail the history of theUchiha Clan , and the truth behind Itachi's life. Towards the end of his story, he explained that Itachi had been dying of the disease, but was kept alive by a drug so he could die at the hands of Sasuke , stating that if Itachi would have fought with all his might not have that conversation. He also stated that he had pushed Sasuke to his limits as they struggle to get Orochimaru in order to eliminate the influence of the latter from his beloved little brother.
Sasuke was unwilling to believe the story. Tobi persists, saying that Itachi had entrusted the name Sasuke , waiting for the reconstruction of the clan in a new foundation of honor and nobility. For the sake of Konoha , and Sasuke , who had been willing to die as a traitor and criminal. He had changed the honor to shame and the love of Sasuke for his hatred, yet had died smiling. Finally accepting the truth, Sasuke was crushed to discover that the brother he had hated had actually been someone else and just trying to protect him. Realizing the truth, awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan and decided to take revenge against Konoha for the slaughter of his clan and the fate of his brother, regardless of Itachi's attachment to the village. Also agreed to start working with Tobi and therefore is classified as an international criminal, Itachi had tried to prevent the sacrifice of all he had, but even that was not enough to deter Sasuke .
Sasuke initially refused to transplant Itachi's eyes, however, after excessive and imprudent use of his own Mangekyō Sharingan in his struggles with Killer Bee , A , Danzō Shimura and Team Kakashi , the sight of Sasuke had deteriorated . As such, he decided to abandon his refusal, and take Itachi's eyes to use them to destroy Naruto at full power. Sasuke says to Tobi he felt Itachi's power flowing through him.
After being resurrected by Kabuto Yakushicontrol and get rid of Edo Tensei , Itachi helps Naruto and Bee to defeat and seal away Nagato . After that, Itachi was sent to stop the Edo Tensei , becoming an ally of the Allied Shinobi Forces . Itachi on the way to stop the jutsu, is reunited with Sasuke and along with it, manage to find and defeatKabuto , Itachi uses where Izanami to catch him and force him to stop the Edo Tensei .
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