Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto ) is the protagonist of the series of manga and anime Naruto andNaruto Shippuden . He is a young genin ofKonohagakure , the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato and his wife Kushina Uzumaki . Is a member ofTeam Kakashi with Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchihaand also is the most recent former Jinchūriki of Kurama .
Creation and conception
When the character of Naruto Uzumaki was created, Masashi Kishimoto incorporated a number of features that I felt they did a great and noble hero: a simple way of thinking and a little naughty with the talent that has the protagonist of the franchise of Dragon Ball , Son Goku. It also said that Naruto was a "simple and stupid" character.However, Kishimoto also added a dark past to make him a great character. Naruto's initial design was modified several times by Kishimoto, always different to make it more appealing to Western audiences, in addition to being easier to draw clothes.
Naruto's wardrobe is based on clothing Kishimoto used the same when I was young, the orange color of their clothes is because Kishimoto determined to be the most suitable for combining with blue color. Because the character was often associated with spirals, certain patterns of curved lines were introduced in their dress. In Naruto initial artwork was drawn with boots, but Kishimoto decided to substitute the usual sandals ninjas series because he said he likes to draw toes. The creator said he was glad his character has blond hair and blue eyes.When asked why Naruto's favorite food is ramen instead of udon, Kishimoto said that is because he likes to eat this dish.
In designing its appearance in the second part, Kishimoto said expanded forehead protector Naruto easier to draw eyebrows, something that had bothered him in his previous design. He added that the pants he gave Naruto a childlike appearance and to remedy this, Kishimoto designed a portion of the pants rolled up, giving the character a more mature look.
Naruto Uzumaki has blond hair tousled, small catlike whiskers on his cheeks and clear (which turn red and torn blue pupil eyes when thedemon fox chakra releases of his and yellow with a black line Stylish toad when free Sage Mode ). Its most characteristic features are three marks on each cheek, reminiscent somehow the demon fox that lives inside (which are mustachesKyūbi not yoko) and when it releases chakra Kyūbi get bigger. At the start of the series, Naruto is 12. Chapter 382 of the manga Naruto origin of the name, which comes from one of the books he wrote called Jiraiya , which is unrelated Icha Icha Paradise with. Minato said that he would like his future son to be like the hero of that book, which shall never surrender and would have an unbreakable spirit, so Jiraiya became the godfather of his son.
Their appearance does not change along the first part (like your clothes, because he loves). She's wearing orange pants and an orange and blue sweatshirt, white coat with high collar and spiral sides. Take the case (in this case blue) with logo Konohagakure forehead, where once wore aviator sunglasses. Used to bring the right leg tied to a bag with guns , and some blue sandals.
In the third film uses lighter clothing which carries shorts, a sleeveless shirt underneath it carries another blue shirt and used some blue wristbands. When Naruto uses sleeping pajamas a light blue and a hat which has a face and a mouth with two huge teeth.
In the second part, where they reach two and a half years after his departure with Jiraiya , Naruto changes slightly in appearance. Besides have become more powerful, keeps the orange, but change the blue for black, both in clothes and sandals and in the band. In the invasion of Pain and Konan , clothing Naruto adds a red coat with black flames and a scroll in the back. In addition to the distinctive dark pigmentation in the eyes of the hermits.
After separating the chakra Naruto Nine Tails , chakra sticks to the body shape of Naruto, instead of taking the appearance of the fox as the previous forms, making an appearance that resembles the Sage of the Six Paths with its new mantle clearly visible in the seal, but unlike his first appearance not seal extending down his right arm. After the release of Kurama , the layer of chakra Naruto takes on a new form. The cloak of chakra is split in half creating an actual layer. Your swirl patterned opens in full circles also appear on the palms, backs of hands and feet. In this way the marks of his whiskers are also much thicker and have a more regular basis, the pupils of his eyes in the form of vertical line of Kurama , his hair becomes more peaked and generally resembles the Sage Six Paths further. This new form is also reflected in Kurama when Naruto transforms into the beast.
Because of prejudice and loneliness he suffered in his childhood, Naruto developed a craving for recognition and acceptance. To achieve this, Naruto used to make mischief around the village and said that someday obtain the title of Hokage . Even after more connected with others, his reasons for wanting to become Hokage underwent a change: they have less to do with the desire for recognition, and more with wanting to protect your home and the people close to him. Despite the coldness with which he was treated as a child, he grew up and became a great ninja, as his parents longed for. Many characters and even distinctive and respected people, admire and encourage his dream of becoming Hokage . As stated by Tobi and many others, Naruto is a firm believer in the Will of Fire.
Naruto's exuberant personality and fiery desire to overcome a strong impact on the lives of those around him.At the beginning of the series, Naruto's friend was Konohamaru Sarutobi , the grandson of the Third Hokage , and it is through his brief tutelage that Konohamaru realized that the way to success is through the worked hard. Kakashi Hatake has described this as "the unique power of Naruto", as it seems to change the world view of all the people you know. With this power, Naruto was able to redeem Zabuza Momochi and Neji Hyuga , and instill value to Inari, Sakura Haruno , Hinata Hyuga and Tsunade . Also switching to Gaara , a ruthless murderer to one of his closest friends, and even win the trust of Nagato , the apparent leader of Akatsuki and who was one of the main antagonists of the series. Naruto believes that only he can save Sasuke Uchiha from darkness, however, Sasuke is the only person who has been unable to persuade Naruto to date.
As mentioned above, Naruto is characterized as hyperactive, often exuberant, easily excitable, impulsive, and suffers from a short attention span. Is always surrounded by comic situations, and is determined to get a smile (or sometimes crazy) who is in a critical situation, making jokes at unusual times. Sometimes he seemed to argue and fight with their clones, something silly in itself, since it would be arguing and hitting himself. This is supported by Asuma Sarutobi in the saga of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, and Naruto like describing the type of person who does not think before acting. While raw power is one of its strengths, Naruto has begun to learn that patience is something that needs focus so that it becomes truly effective.
According to Kakashi , Naruto is someone who learns through his body. Naruto is relatively naive, is slow to understand a jutsu principles and often requiring a dumbing down of an already simplified analogy in order to understand what is being explained. This means that he is able to keep their attention long enough as it usually seeks to change the subject because of their ignorance, insisting he has already grasped the concept that I explain. Despite maintaining that confidence proclaiming loudly that will dominate any technique that is learning in a certain fraction of time, Naruto will not hesitate to ask for help if needed.
As an extension of his naivety and nobility, Naruto has a series of children's traits. His pajamas always include a comical black glass eyes and teeth, and he keeps his money in a purse of a frog affectionately calls " Gama-chan . " It is also very brash and rarely pays attention to formality or social status. He almost exclusively eats ramen, and is a regular customer at the bar Ichiraku Ramen even his hobby is to eat different kinds of ramen and rank. He only refused ramen on one occasion, when he was touched by the pain of the death of Jiraiya . He has a natural affinity for perverted jutsu, which tends to be reprimanded for Sakura as well as Iruka , and he only brought to new levels after meeting Jiraiya . He also almost always smiling, because during his childhood, was to mask the sadness of his lonely life. Those closest to him are able to recognize when his smile is not genuine. Naruto also inherited his catch phrase " Dattebayo! "(だってばよ!) from his mother, Kushina Uzumaki , who would say "(da) ttebane "(" (だ)ってばね") when excited or frustrated.
However, when the situation required or when a loved one is in trouble, Naruto immediately comes to her aid. This is most commonly seen in the series through his interactions with his teammates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno . With Sasuke , Naruto sees him as a brother, and throughout Part II strives to bring him back to Konohagakure , despite his defection to will of the people. With Sakura , Naruto was in love with her a long time ago, and will do everything possible to make her happy, even at the expense of his own happiness. Sai has indicated that this dedication has progressed to the point of love. Sai also notes the strain of making happy Sakura and Sasuke bring home are the source of pain inside Naruto.
After the loss of his mentor Jiraiya , talking with his own father, and talk to the murderer and former student of Jiraiya, Nagato , Naruto came to understand the downside of revenge, and wanted to save Sasuke from it even more. Naruto also tried to stop the Raikage to exact his revenge against Sasuke, because this would create a cycle of hatred. Apparently Naruto was becoming increasingly desperate in his quest to save Sasuke , as he was willing to kneel before the Raikage and beg forgiveness for crimes Sasuke and even take physical abuse over selling out. Furthermore, after learning from Madara the reason of Sasuke's hatred, Naruto decided and proclaimed to Sakura , who was trying to get to abandon your search, you really understood Sasuke now and wanted to save not only the promise made to Sakura , but also of himself. However, after realizing that the rest of his teammates in order to kill Sasuke, and that nobody in the village ever accept him again, Naruto apparently suffered from hyperventilation due to the extreme conflict that has been presented.
Finally the reunion with Sasuke, Naruto sympathized with the criminal for his actions, and refused to back down or kill him, instead found a third solution. Naruto concluded that the two were actually intended to fight, asMadara predicted, and that when this happens, both Naruto and Sasuke would die. Naruto is fully prepared to take on the burden of Sasuke as a friend. In a way, Naruto is the only one who has not lost hope in Sasuke .However, Naruto does not give up on bringing Sasuke back as a citizen of the town, but believing that words would no longer have any effect to enable understood so it's up to fight.
Naruto has shown that deeply loves his parents. When he met his father , despite being angry at Minato for sealing the Nine-Tails within him, Naruto soon overcame his anger and was very happy and proud to be the son of theFourth Hokage . Also tearfully embraced his mother Kushina when he met.After learning how his parents met and what happened during the Nine-Tails to attack Konohagakure , Naruto told his mother that could finally understand how was the love of a father and said he did not blame Minato so did, in fact he was glad to be his son. When the Fourth Raikage was criticizing Minato as it was called " The Boy of Prophecy "which was killed by the Nine-Tails , Naruto then remembered what he had said Kushina did what his father told him Raikage the Fourth Hokage had not failed at all. According Killer Bee , Naruto's true strength and it leaves a special place that are represented as soles (are things we do not want to lose and stick to them), but in the case of Naruto are two suns which his parents, even though they died after he was born, Naruto said that before they died they left many things including being the work of Salvador.
Unlike most others, Naruto has shown great care in regard to the tailed beastand yours in your care. Having seen the dynamic relationship between the Bee and the Eight-Tails , he has confessed to Son Goku is even jealous of them and would like to have an equal relationship with Kurama . His words, sometimes, surprised the tailed beasts that are used to being abused and locked, regardless of the intentions of people. Recently, the relationship between Naruto and the Nine Tails has changed, while the beast seems to be more open to Naruto, while being insists that he is the lesser of two evil, and Naruto has declared that it recognizes the beast not as a monster but as a partner. And both his commitment to help the animals even all tailed beasts and their Jinchurikis entrusted their hopes and dreams on it, concluding that it is the right path whom spoke the Sage of the Six Paths .
Since the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War , and by extension, the Invasion of Pain, Naruto had often thought that it was his "duty" and "burden" to stop the pain and hatred, and you should bear alone . However, he said Itachi Uchiha Naruto that this line of thinking, coupled with their growing power, I would just arrogant. He even went so far as to suggest that Naruto would someday become like Madara in case you forget your friends.
After exposing the identity of Tobi as Obito Uchiha and express their disapproval of his dark vision of life, Naruto Obito declares that he would not let him kill any of his colleagues and friends. As a result, Obito decided to put the "chosen" and the Alliance in the same despair experienced, ie, killing one of the friends of Naruto, Neji Hyūga . This, along with the "reality" of Obito and beliefs, brought the young shinobi to a period of mental confusion. Soon after, Naruto tells Kakashi and his colleagues clearly understood that a true shinobi is destined to endure, believing that if they remember their fallen friends was a curse, gladly assume that burden forever. This shows that Naruto will still exceeds the impossible, and that unlike Obito wants to keep the bonds he made with his friends.
Dark Naruto
After Killer Bee refused to train, Motoi guided Naruto and Yamato to the Falls of Truth, where Bee trained to control the Eight-Tails.He instructed Naruto to sit on a platform and close his eyes. Soon after, Dark Naruto (ナルト闇, Yami Naruto ) appeared. He mentioned that he was the manifestation of the darkness that was in him: his hatred, malice and contempt for all Konohagakure. Dark Naruto said that he was the real Naruto and that Naruto was an impostor. As a result, the two began to fight, but Naruto realized that they had the same techniques and skills. As a result, the fight ended in a draw and Naruto told him what happened to Yamato andMotoi . Motoi said it was necessary to defeat the Dark Naruto to control the Biju nine tails. It appeared again after Naruto returned to the Falls of Truth. When Naruto projected an image from his mind (his autograph he could not give the shinobi of Konohagakure), Naruto Dark enraged, reminded Naruto about how he suffered because of the villagers and said that he should not rely on them. However, Naruto said he had to have faith in himself, which makes weaken Dark Naruto, and questioned about the reason for their existence. Naruto said it was really him and thanked him for everything, hugging him when he tried to attack him and assuring that everything would be okay, Dark Naruto disappeared.
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